Yaashaa P. Golovanov
Founder, Mentor, and Lecturer for all programs offered at AMMOC.

Tisya C. Rawat with Nobel Laureate Prof. Kip S. Thorne
Freshman (UG Math & Physics), with full scholarship, class of 2027, at CALTECH. She attends PUTNAM seminar of AMMOC.

A Cyprus citizen and a Freshman (UG Math), with full scholarship, class of 2027, at UChicago. He attends PUTNAM seminar of AMMOC.

A Moldovan citizen and aUG (Math & CS), with UToronto International Scholar Award, at UToronto.
At present, the following mentees (of grade VI-XII) are being educated intensively and mentored at AMMOC for careers in mathematics and mathematical sciences. In recent time, their achievements includes distinguished Honor roll (DHR) Honorable Mention (HM) and top spot (as a team) in following contests:
- Caltech Math Meet, Princeton University Mathematics Competition, Berkeley Math Tournament, Stanford Mathematics Tournament, AMC 12 A, 12 B, and International Math Bowl.
- Every single contest of the University of Waterloo’s Math Circle- CEMC, and Canadian Mathematical Society.
- IMC & JMC of UK Mathematics Trust and AMC of Australian Mathematics Trust
- IOQM & RMO of the HBCSE (TIFR) – India
For more details about these contests please refer to Program Section and Result Section.
For certificates corresponding to claims made in what follows, please see Academic Report 2023 – 24 and also certificates displayed on News & Feedback, RESULT, and various contest pages under the tab “Program & Admissions.“.
Current mentees of AMMOC

Sarthak Dhobale
Joined in October – 2020 & brief achievements –
- Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12 B 2024.
- Twice Distinguished Honorable Mention in Algebra and Geometry Paper of Berkeley Math Tournament, 2024.
- Twice Distinction in AMC 12 A for the year 2023, 2024.
- Honourable Mention in Algebra Paper of the prestigious Stanford Mathematics Tournament
- Three titles of Performance with Honors in the CLMC and COMC contests of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
- Led the AMMOC team to remarkable victories in Tournament of Caltech, Stanford, Princeton, and UC Berkeley
- Ten titles of Distinction and two titles of International Honor for various prestigious international contests of the U. of Waterloo (CEMC).
- Four times ‘Certificate of Merit’ in IOQM, India, 2021-24.

Nihad Hashimov
Joined in December – 2023 & brief achi
- Distinguished Honorable Mention in the algebra paper of the Berkeley Mathematics Tournament, 2024.
- Honorable Mention in the geometry paper of the Berkeley Mathematics Tournament, 2024.
- Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Contest, 2024.
- Honourable Mention in the Power Round” of the Stanford Mathematics Tournament as part of the AMMOC Team, 2024.
- Honourable Mention in the Algebra Paper of the Stanford Mathematics Tournament, 2024.
- Honourable Mention in the Geometry Paper of the Stanford Mathematics Tournament, 2024.
- He has published solutions to fifteen problems in Mathematical Reflections, a premier journal of recreational mathematics.
- 3 hours of seminar every day on abstract algebra, Olympiad mathematics, and mathematical analysis.

Kaushik Meghraj
Joined in April – 2023 & brief achievements –
- “Honourable Mention for AMMOC Team” in the Power Round” of the Stanford Mathematics Tournament.
- “Award of Distinction” in Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest of UWaterloo, 2023.
- “Award of Distinction” in Hypatia Math Contest of UWaterloo, 2024.
- “Award of Distinction” in Australian Math Contest, 2023.
- “Selected” in India’s National Math Talent Contest, 2023.
- Attends 3-5 hours of seminar, 2023. everyday on the subject of Algebra, Number Theory, Combinatorics, and Euclidean Geometry

Darsan Sivakumar
Joined in April – 2022 & brief achievements –
- “Performance with Honours” in COMC – the most prestigious olympiad of Canada.
- “3 Distinctions” by UWaterloo for FRYER, Gauss 7 & 8 Contests.
- “Award of Credit” in the Australian Math Contest for years 2023 and 2024.
- “Gold Medal” in the JMC of UKMT and “Bronze” in the IMC of UKMT.
- “Performance with Distinction” in the CJMC (2023), a flagship contest of the Canadian Mathematical Society.

Deepa Thulasi
Joined in April – 2023 & brief achievements –
- “Distinction” by U. of Waterloo for Gauss contest.
- “Top 3 % in the World” in Canadian Caribou Math Contest.
- “Award of Distinction” in Australian Math Contest.
- Attends weekly 10 hours of seminar on first course in Algebra, Geometry & Counting Principles for AMC 8 -10.

Thomas McCormick
Joined in July – 2023 & brief achievements –
“Award of High Distinction“ by in Australian Math Contest for standing “in top 3 % worldwide.”
“Won GOLD in IMC of UKMT and INVITED to write Cayley Mathematical Olympiad” of UKMT.
- “Performance with Honours” in Canadian Jay Mathematics Contest (2023) – a flagship contest of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
- Attends weekly 10 hours of seminar on first course in Algebra, Geometry, and Counting Principles.

Raeyaan V. Muppaneni
Joined in June 2023.
- “Award of Credit” in Australian Math Contest, 2024.
- “Award of Distinction” in Australian Math Contest, 2023.
- “Silver and Bronze Award” International Summer Math Challenge, 2024.
- Attends an hour of seminar everyday on the first course in Algebra, Geometry, and Counting Principles.

Medha Shrivastava
Joined in April – 2021 & brief achievements –
- Honourable Mention for AMMOC Team – in the Power Round” of the Stanford Mathematics Tournament.
- Twice Award of Credit in the Australian Math Contest, 2024.
- Three ‘Performance with Honors’ in COMC & CLMC of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
- Distinction & International Honour by U. of Waterloo in six CEMC contests: Pascal, Fryer, CIMC, Fryer, CSMC & Avagadro, 2022-2024.
- Led the AMMOC team to fifth place among 1008 teams across 52 countries in the International Math Bowl.
- An Indian citizen and attends 3-4 hours of seminar every day on Olympiad and university mathematics—Groups, Rings, Fields, and theoretical linear algebra.

Parth Andhare
Joined in February – 2023 & brief achievements –
- Distinguished Honorable Mention in the geometry paper of the Berkeley Mathematics Tournament, 2024.
- Honorable Mention in the algebra paper of the Berkeley Mathematics Tournament, 2024.
- Credit in the Australian Mathematics Contest, 2024.
- Honourable Mention for the AMMOC Team in the Power Round of the Stanford Mathematics Tournament, 2024.
- Award of Merit in the IOQM, the first phase of the Indian National Mathematica Olympiad 2024.
- Bronze Medal in International Mathematical Kangaroo, Australia, 2024.
- Award Distinction by U. of Waterloo (CEMC) in CIMC, Fryer, and Pascal, 2023-24.
- Performance with Honours in the Canadian Math Society’s CLMC Contest, 2023.
- Award of Credit in Australian Math Contest, 2023.
- Honourable Mention in Mathematical Kangaroo, 2023.
- Attends 3-5 hours of seminar every day.

Prasanna Mahesh Pawar
Joined in June – 2021 & brief achievements:
- Honor Roll in AMC 12 B with a score of 130.5/150
- Distinction in AMC 12 A with a score of 111/150.
- Distinguished Honorable Mention in Geometry Paper of Berkeyley Math Tournament, 2024.
- Honorable mention in the algebra paper of the Berkeyley Math Tournament, 2o24.
- Distinction in the Australian Math Contest, 2024.
- “Distinction” in the Canadian Intermediate Math Contest.
- “Distinction” in the Cayley contest of U. of Waterloo.
- Attends 3-4 hours of seminar every day on for IMO and UG mathematics.

Sritha Uppaluru
Joined in November – 2022 & brief achievements –
- “Distinction” in Gauss 7 [124/150] and Medals in Pascal & Cayley—a rare feat at grade 6. These are flagship contests of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
- “Award of Proficiency” in the Australian Math Contest, 2023, and 2024.
- “Performance with Honours” in the CLMC contest, a flagship contest of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
- Attends weekly 10 hours of seminar on first course in Algebra, Geometry, & Counting Principles AMC & IOQM.

Karma Pillai
Joined in February – 2023 & brief achievements –
- “Award of Distinction” in Australian Math Contest.
- “Distinction” by U. of Waterloo for Gauss Contest.
- “Award of Distinction” in the Beaver Computing Challenge (BCC), 2023, of the CEMC, UWaterloo.
- “Performance with Honours” in Canadian Jay Mathematics Contest (2023) – a flagship contest of the Canadian Mathematical Society

Huy Nguyen
Joined in February 2023 & brief achievements:
- “Top 1% in the World” in the Canadian Caribou Math Contest.
- “Award of Credit” in Australian Math Contest.
- “Performance with Honours” in CLMC & CJMC (2023)—two of the most prestigious flagship contests of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
- Attends an hour of seminar on the first course in Algebra, Geometry, and Counting Principles (AMC 8-10 & Math Counts).

Aaditya Bhaumik Sahu
Joined in December 2023
- Dinstinguished honor roll in the algebra paper of the Berkeley Math Tournament, 2024.
- 7 hours of seminar every week on the subject of algebra, geometry, & combinatorics at levels of AMC 10-12, AIME & ARML.