Founder, Mentor, and Lecturer

Yaashaa P. Golovanov is a scientist and a mathematician. The AMMOC is his brainchild. As evident from his scientific publications he has been active in field of control theory (a subdiscipline of mathematics). His scientific investigations broadly lie in Geometric theory of ODE, PDE, Geometric and Global Analysis, and Mathematical Physics. In particular, he is interested in scientific works of Vladimir Igorevich arnold and Jerrold E. Marsden. He spent January 2016 – May 2017 as a visitor to Chennai Mathematical Institute one of the foremost institute of fundamental research in India. Prior to this, during years 2011-2015, he used to divide his time between National Institute of Technology Allahabad, and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. He is also reviewer / referee in peer reviewed scientific journals like ISA Transactions, Elsevier, International Journal of Circuit Theory (Wiley), and Journal of Power Electronics – a scientific publication of Korean Institute of Power Electronics and published by Springer.  From “ISA Transactions”, a prestigious scientific publication in control theory, he received outstanding reviewer award, for years 2015-2018, in recognition of the contributions made to the quality of the journal. This is a rare distinction for any young  Indian scientist at age of 22He is the sole mentor and lecturer for all courses and program offered by AMMOC.